If you are an individual seller and wants to explore United Kingdom market, please follow the below process
Drop Shipping Process
1 Sign Up
Register yourself going to
home page and clicking "Register"
Button and provide us your
details so that we know who
you are and how can we serve
you better.
2 Get to know about our process
Once your sign up is complete, you will get a message from our automated support number on your whatsapp. Explore all the menu in that chatbot to know everything about us. Did not receive a message? Send us a hellow on WhatsApp
3 Generate Orders on your website
List as many of Aedropshippes's products on your shopify website. Generate orders through ads or however you want.
4 Tell us about your order
When you sign up, we send you a message on your whatsapp number. Please select "Integrate your store/Send orders to Aedropshippes" in the options of whatsapp message sent to you to integrate your store with Aedropshippes and start sending orders to us.
5 Integration with AE Dropshippes
After your first order we will send you Order management system (OMS Portal) credentials where you can track your orders.
6) Get Paid
Every order received is checked for 2 things: 1) Correct SKU Code. 2) Complete Address. If both of these are fine then the orders are shipped the same day. Delivery takes 1-3 days to happen. If orders are delivered then you get an invoice on your whatsapp number and amount is transferred to you within 1-2 days after the invoice.